インバウンドでタイ人を集客! 事例多数で万全の用意 [PR]

タイのブログサイト「ナムジャイブログ」でブログを作る! タイのブログサイト「ナムジャイブログ」にログインする!

現在の読者数 0人


10 ポンドを失うとコレステロールが低下しますか?

10 ポンドを失うとコレステロールが低下しますか?

10 ポンドを失うことは、コレステロール値を上げるのに十分です. ある研究では、体重の少なくとも 5% を失った人々は、LDL、総コレステロール、およびトリグリセリドのレベルを大幅に低下させました. 2021 年 6 月 11 日


コレステロールは、体が適切に機能するために必要な脂肪の一種です (脂質としても知られています)。悪玉コレステロールが多すぎると、心臓病、脳卒中、その他の病気の可能性が高くなります.高血中コレステロールの医学用語は、脂質障害、高脂血症、または高コレステロール血症です。


卵はタンパク質やその他の栄養素の手頃な供給源です. また、卵のコレステロールは、トランス脂肪や飽和脂肪が多い食品など、他の食品ほどコレステロール値を上昇させないようです.



チョコレートには、コレステロールを下げるのに役立つ抗酸化物質であるフラボノイドが豊富に含まれています. また、オリーブオイルに含まれる心臓の健康に良い一価不飽和脂肪であるオレイン酸も含まれています.

コレステロール値が高いと、動脈にプラークが蓄積し、動脈が狭くなることがあります。アテローム性動脈硬化として知られるこの狭窄は、硬化した脚の動脈が脚と足への血流を制限する末梢動脈疾患につながる可能性があります。 PAD を使用すると、歩くのが苦痛になる場合があります。 2021 年 9 月 20 日

精製された穀物または小麦粉 (マイダ) から作られた食品には精製された炭水化物が含まれており、高コレステロール (HDL) レベルに悪影響を及ぼす可能性があります。白パンやパスタなどの製品は避けてください。これらの食品を、マルチグレインや全粒小麦のパンなどのより良い代替品に置き換えることができます.


人間の研究では、中サイズのリンゴを 2 ~ 3 個食べると、総コレステロール値が 5% ~ 13% 低下した. 一部の研究では、LDL コレステロール値が少なくとも 7% 低下し、HDL 値が 12% 上昇した.





無駄のない良い選択肢があります。たとえば、鶏肉や七面鳥の胸肉、皮なし、テンダーロイン、牛モモ肉、テンダーロイン、テンダーロインなどを検討できます。高度に加工された肉(ベーコン、ハム)は避けてください。 、ランチなど) 1 食分量を決定するには、パッケージの栄養表示を確認してください。

コレステロールが高い場合、何を避けるべきですか?高コレステロール食品全脂肪乳製品を避けてください。全乳、バター、全脂肪ヨーグルト、チーズには、飽和脂肪と赤身の肉が豊富に含まれています。ステーキ、ローストビーフ、カルビ、ポークチョップ、牛ひき肉は、飽和脂肪とコレステロールが高い傾向があります 加工肉 揚げ物 < 焼き菓子 & キャンディー 卵 貝類 赤身の肉 < …


お米はコレステロールに良い?最高の炭水化物を選ぶ 豆類や、玄米、キノア、全粒小麦などの全粒穀物は繊維が多く、血糖値を急上昇させません。それらはコレステロールを低下させ、満腹感をより長く保ちます。ジャガイモの心臓は健康ですか.アーティチョーク。揚げたり、不健康なトッピングをトッピングしたりしない限り、山芋を週に数回食べることは心臓にとって健康的です...


Posted by daxincc at 20:59Comments(0)




資料是構成物體的物質或物質混合物. 物質可以是純淨的或不純淨的,有生命的或無生命的物質. 資料可以根據其物理和化學性質,或根據其地質來源或生物功能進行分類.




教學可以被定義為與學習者互動,使他們能够理解和應用知識,概念和過程. 它包括設計,內容選擇,交付,評估和反思.


混凝土 如果你問大多數人最常用的資料是什麼,他們可能會說木材,鋼或鋁. 正確的答案實際上是混凝土,其使用量大於一年中所有金屬的總重量.


間接引用或第二來源是指一比特作者的想法發表在另一比特作者文字中,但您尚未閱讀或訪問原作者的作品. 包括原文作者和文字參攷中引用/想法的作品作者.


分類的好處如下:(a)它提供了不同事物的系統知識. (b)它告訴我們不同群體的不同成員之間的差异.


位居榜首的是,石墨烯是人類已知的最强資料. 這種透明資料由一個單層碳原子組成,碳原子呈三角形排列,是木炭,石墨和碳納米管的基本結構元素.


一個書包. 你需要一些東西來攜帶你所有的東西
計畫員. 第一天,我和我的合作老師坐下來,確定排程


資料是你能觸摸到的一切都是由資料製成的. 即使是太小而無法觸摸的資料也被稱為資料. 我們用資料製造東西. 我們也可以稱物質為[物理物質"


學習資料很重要,因為它們可以通過支持學生學習來顯著提高學生的成績. 例如,工作表可以為學生提供重要的機會來練習課堂上獲得的新技能.

dr-max 教材


教師的最佳貭素是什麼?好老師的特質.耐心. 每個學生都會有自己獨特的奮鬥同情. 同理心是教師的一項重要貭素自强不息. 一個偉大的教師應該能够客觀地看待自己,並看到他們可以在哪裡進步可適應 什麼是教學/學習過程?教學過程可以定義為知識從教師到...


為什麼資料學習很重要?材料科學告訴我們事物是由什麼構成的,以及它們為什麼會這樣. 材料工程向我們展示了如何運用知識創造更好的東西,讓事情變得更好. 材料科學和工程推動了從航空航太到醫學等各個領域的研究和工業創新. 教師的貭素是什麼?他們有很...


每個老師都必須知道什麼?每位新教師都應該知道的10件事課堂管理是關鍵建立課堂社區數學比量測更重要靈活性至關重要沒有手册共同覈心不是一切導師(和薩默斯)是一體的識字影響一切.更多項目... 教育的不同來源是什麼?一級,二級和三級來源. 兩種覈...


Posted by daxincc at 13:01Comments(0)教育


如何在 iPhone 上將視頻拆分為多個部分?

如何在 iPhone 上將視頻拆分為多個部分?

輕點時間線中的片段以顯示屏幕底部的檢查器,輕點“操作”按鈕 ,然後輕點“拆分”。點擊剪輯(它變成黃色輪廓),然後在播放頭上向下滑動以拆分剪輯,就好像您用手指切開它一樣。

YouTube 用戶免費使用什麼編輯器?

YouTube 用戶最常用的視頻編輯軟件:iMovie

首先,它是免費的,並且作為操作系統的一部分隨您的 Mac 系統一起提供。其次,它提供了剪切視頻所需的基本選項,並且非常易於使用。

如何在 iPhone 上免費編輯視頻?

iPhone 和 iPad 的 11 款最佳免費視頻編輯應用程序
iMovie。如果沒有 Apple 的 iMovie,任何免費的 iOS 視頻編輯應用程序列表都不完整。 ...
維他。 VITA APP官方。 ...
巧影。 ...
威力導演。 ...
Videorama 視頻編輯器。 ...
Adobe Premiere Rush。 ...
FilmoraGo。 ...

如何在 iPhone 上剪輯視頻?

如何在 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 上修剪視頻
移動視頻時間軸兩側的滑塊更改開始和停止時間。 ...


打開應用程序並選擇視頻選項。 ...
從您的庫中選擇要合併的視頻。 ...
修剪和剪切您的剪輯以潤色視頻。 ...
在視頻剪輯之間添加過渡效果。 ...
插入文字並添加貼紙。 ...
顏色校正您的剪輯。 ...


1. PicsArt(Android、iOS) PicsArt 是我們精選的最佳照片編輯應用程序,因為它有趣、易於使用,而且幾乎涵蓋了消費者移動攝影的所有基礎。它提供了許多創意控制、出色的圖像編輯工具和各種吸引人的濾鏡。


要隨時訪問剪貼板歷史記錄,請按 Windows 徽標鍵 + V。從剪貼板歷史記錄中,您可以通過從剪貼板菜單中選擇單個項目來粘貼和固定常用項目。

大多數 YouTuber 使用什麼軟件?

正如我之前提到的,Youtube 用戶用來編輯視頻的三個最受歡迎的程序是 iMovie、Final Cut Pro 和 Adobe Premiere Pro CC。第一個選項是初學者的完美工具。

大多數 YouTuber 使用什麼來免費編輯他們的視頻?

大多數 YouTube 用戶使用什麼來編輯視頻?
Adobe Premiere Pro.
Final Cut Pro X.
Adobe After Effects.
Shotcut .

Splice 的樣品費用是多少?

很多時候,一個樣本包只包含少數您可能實際使用的樣本。只需 0.99/月,您就可以從 Splice 下載您知道將要使用的各個樣本。它還使您可以訪問樂器插件、效果插件、預設、模板等。



如何免費拆分視頻?免費視頻切割機。 Free Video Cutter 多年來一直是流行的視頻分割器。 ...簡單的視頻分配器。 Easy Video Splitter 是一款易於使用的視頻編輯工具,可幫助您拆分視頻。 ...Avidemu...

Splice 和 Loopcloud 哪個更好?

Splice 和 Loopcloud 哪個更好?Loopcloud 和 Splice 都很棒。 Loopcloud 更適合創造力,允許您在購買前對聲音進行分層、添加效果、更改音高和測試聲音。 Splice 擁有更好的聲音、合成器預設,並為自...

你如何在 iPhone 上隱藏 Snapchat?

你如何在 iPhone 上隱藏 Snapchat?0:314:18選項在第二個菜單上選擇刪除應用程序,點擊從主屏幕刪除。這將隱藏更多將數據從 Android 傳輸到 iPhone 的最佳方式是什麼?如果您想轉移 Chrome 書籤,請在您的...


Posted by daxincc at 19:52Comments(0)



Doctor Who's hardest task yet – making yellow braces happen

Yellow braces. In the grand history of fashion – women’s fashion, at least – yellow braces are not something that have ever had a moment. Not even a nano-second. But then, Doctor Who has never really been a slavish follower of fashion. While the world’s designers spend their whole time in a constant shift between decades (anyone looking at the new Vogue out this week would be forgiven in thinking the time machine had got lost in the 70s), the Doctor has never really paid much attention to the sartorial codes of his – and now her – travels through different eras.

But those braces are  else. Red braces and the new Doctor would have been in tricky skinhead territory. Especially with those boots. But the mustard yellow brings to mind fellow sci-fi traveller Mork (of late-70s throwbacks Mork & Mindy) who, when he wasn’t in his red bacofoil and crimplene boiler suit, was rarely seen without his wonderfully upbeat rainbow coloured braces. There is something reassuringly children’s TV presenter about the braces, too. And maybe, given Dr Who’s core audience, that’s no bad thing. When the monsters get too scary, the Doctor’s attire will be a comforting distraction.

Every Doctor worth their Tardis has to have a signature. For the first Doctor, played in 1963 by William Hartnell, the look was a Dickensian cravat tied around his wing collars in a neat bow. He also liked the occasional monocle. The most memorable doctors have boasted instantly recognisable looks. For third Doctor Jon Pertwee, it was a dash of Liberace with big hair, ruffled dress shirt, bowtie and velvet smoking jacket. The fourth Doctor (I would argue that the golden age was 1974-78) was an opportunity for Tom Baker to cast off his construction site overalls and go through the BBC dressing-up box. He was a true style leader; his maxi coat, beaten up hat and that handknit stripey scarf could well have inspired Paul McGann’s look in Withnail and I.

So the wardrobe of Jodie Whittaker’s first female Doctor is of some considerable importance (some might argue even more importance than the latest Gucci collection). The mustard yellow braces hold up navy culottes which are a 70s favourite enjoying something of a comeback. They are very practical for a woman on the go, as are the sturdy boots. The coat has subtle stripes that match the stripe on her top – perhaps a nod to the great Baker’s scarf – and looks as though it could be reversible which would be very handy if you only had one change of clothes for an entire TV series. She is practically attired, fashionably timeless. Almost anti-fashion, in fact. But then, like all of her predecessors, she has her mind set on far more pressing matters like saving the Earth from impending doom. But just you wait. Fashion works in mysterious ways and those yellow braces may well have their moment yet.


Posted by daxincc at 13:33Comments(0) smile


Peace of mind

I went to Tibet for many years, like a beggar, almost fall broke, but the quiet, so no panic. I'm not noble, nor a higher realm, but quiet help me: a wild herbs, a few pickled sweet garlic, a cold steamed bread, a cup of water, can satisfy me to solve the food problem.

There are also how quiet, honest with ah! No train, you can take someone else's car, sitting yak ox cart ride, good Samaritan camel. One day, walking and sleepy and tired, when he is hungry, one will say Chinese Tibetans came behind, I told him about the embarrassment, the Tibetans told me: "I want to give you to eat, but I have already finished, your luggage is too heavy, can take your luggage here, above the stone, remember and then go to the front to find something to eat, must press: stone, or back can not find!" I was very surprised: "why want to pressure the stone?" Tibetans told him: "the people are very nice, if you press the stone, said the luggage is the master here, some people will not take you, don't put a stone, that is something missing, someone will pick up."

I decided to listen to their words, to lay down their luggage, pressure on stone, to the front to find something to eat. Fortunately, in front of really found someone, buy and eat, filled the kettle, back to the original place, the luggage was still. I'm pleased bad: the world's rare and such the Peach Garden ah, how good people -- and no desire, no away others' property, everything is fresh!

On the road, I saw the bird down, stand still, also can feel the quiet good; see an old Tibetan stroking a white beard, leisurely sits where the sun, also can feel the quiet good. At that moment, think of all of a sudden, position, wealth, power...... Is not life, what matter, all that matters is that you stand in between heaven and earth, all the clouds, such as nothing, just so quiet, Enron, in a state where intoxicated, it is the beauty of life. Come to think of it, our life is too short, too tired, not good. Just be quiet, to benefit others, but.

Looking back, he had been a horse in the wilderness, run mad, anxious to give the horse hooves, slow down, quiet. Suddenly, it was quiet days.

Also don't like busy, too busy no quiet, no memory, no aftertaste. There was an article on the quiet article, what impressed me about the essayist, Liu Liangcheng "all is not the past", it said: "I want to go so many places, read so many books, thinking about so many things, and in the end I think and that sat in the street a nap the old man as like as two peas. You see he is motionless, had arrived at my life should reach." This is a quiet charm.

Silence is a kind of state. Quiet is the soul of things.  

Posted by daxincc at 11:13Comments(0)


past pure state

Equinox flower is bright, I lay in the cloud comfortable smile blooming NuHart, it can't touch this, it cannot float over there, I can only stand in the not far from the shore, Ningmou Wan yan. Life there are always some unattainable picture, the shore shore Jianjia gray, White Dew cream, other cursive boundless, shore Hua Ye decline yellow. People often say, the ideal is full, the reality is skinny, perhaps this is the cruel fact, whose life is not a desolation? Fortunately, in the face of the other side the tantalizing aroma, not lost, wandering years, busy time, let all the lonely into silent mourning all.

Some people, walk to spread, some memories, gradually faded NuHart. The vast night sky, the stars in tears, in the old days, the enchanting Aura will no longer shine. Not so simple, can let the dead trees covered with green leaves, is not so simple, will be able to sink into the sea diamond to salvage. Let it go, and let the past go, shining in the sky.

Can not give up the true, can not erase the imprint is engraved on my heart NuHart. years is, ruined I broke the old green mountains and rivers, indifferent attitude to block the past evil tenderness, very charming. When the deep sea and moving the truth by turbid rivers, once the turn is frozen in the cold of the Arctic, when thin prevarication cannot conceal the true don't care, you will be with a decidedly gesture issued from the bottom of my heart a sneer, then tell yourself: is this why not is a kind of understanding?

The cold winter night, cold cold, thin crescent moon hung in the sky side, a lamp light appearance, heart like tide, the sea boundless, back Ningmou, drip into the ink. A process a process of water, the dim star sparse month, bustling quarter final withered, beautiful world cream gel.

At the end of the year approaching, the Chinese dream of wandering hk-employment, have on the ground, gently picked up the pieces of warmth, buried deep in my heart, the fertile soil into a sweet, growing more and more beautiful flowers. Interference with a forced smile, turned the once exclusive charming smile wind to the distant horizon. Don't forget, had the dream, don't, the passing years. Blessing once, may have moved! I gently waved goodbye, has been wandering years, will perish without words into a bright ray of light, to illuminate the dark night, warm the cold season. Holding a with new hope, with a plain light cloud, down a happy station forward.

Perhaps, this is I make Saran, perhaps, this is my tearful smile. You the wise, tell me, I should with what kind of attitude in the world? At least, I won't let dim covering old smile, not to let the sad over today's sun, however, belong to our age, I always want to a bloom of attitude through. The wind, clouds, the moon bit skew, your shadow gradually drifted away, the sun is rising, I wake up. The moon never slide on the same track, but they never give up each other Freemasonry.

Flowers flowers have no regrets, edge to edge water, sweet one poem, deep as love song words such as. Deep and shallow in the ring, now many people romantic themes, grief at separation and joy in union. Trance free dream, many people sent a helpless melancholy sigh. Through the four seasons, through reincarnation, initially, the lady to whom? At the end of the day, who is who?  

Posted by daxincc at 17:02Comments(0)woke up tomorrow